What Metrics to Track on Snapchat Ads Manager Reporting

What Metrics to Track on Snapchat Ads Manager Reporting

Name your new view and select whether you’d like it to be Personal or Shared . If you select ‘Personal’ only you will be able to load, upload, or delete this view. If you select ‘Shared’ any member of your ad account with access to view campaigns can load this view. However, only you can update or delete this view. Click ‘Save.’

Now when you’re reviewing campaign metrics, you can simply click ‘Views’ in the top left corner and select the preferred view you’d like to see.

Export Your Custom Report

You can export your report in the form of a CSV file that contains all of your metrics and insights for a particular ad account.

  1. Click ‘Download’ to select a configuration and export your CSV file.
  2. Click ‘Export.’ The current selection of columns, dates, and times will be exported into an Excel document.
  3. Enjoy nerding out on spreadsheets all day, every day. Or maybe that’s just me.

Snapchat offers a lot of different metrics that you track. A lot. You can find a full breakdown of them here .

This might be stating the obvious, but the most important metric you’ll definitely want to check is whatever the goal for your www.hookupdate.net/cougared-review campaign is, be that Pixel Purchases, Swipe Ups, Impressions, etc.

Beyond that, here are some other metrics you should look into to see if your ads or ad sets need adjusting. Though, please note, the metrics available to you will vary depending on your ad format. The following recommendations won’t necessarily apply to all ad formats.

Paid Impressions vs. Earned Impressions

Paid Impressions will show you how many people your ad is getting served to. If this number is small, you might want to adjust your ad spend or broaden your audience.

Earned Impressions are when Snapchatters share your ad with friends. Earned Impressions are super important, because Snapchatters are much more likely to sit up and take note of your brand if your content is coming directly from a friend. If you’ve got an ad with high Earned Impressions, definitely figure out what you did there and do it again.

Two-Second Video Views vspletions

The two-second video view will tell you how many people have watched your video for at least two seconds, or who have swiped up on your ad. (The idea being that it doesn’t matter if they only watched for one second, a Swipe Up is a Swipe Up.)

Completed video views will show you how many people watched at least 97% of your video. Snap will also let you look at quartiles , so if you want you can see how many people watched 25%, 50% or 75% of a given video.

If you’re getting a lot of two-second video views but not a lot of Swipe Ups or completions, you’re going to want to test out different creative to see what garners more engagement. Likewise if you’re getting a lot of completions but not a lot of swipe ups, you’ll have to ask yourself how to make your CTA more relevant and/or enticing for your audience.

Conversion metrics

Unless you’re running an Awareness campaign, you should be tracking a variety of conversion-related metrics. At the very least you should take a look at ROAS (return on ad spend), Add to Cart and Purchases . Depending on your goal or business model, it might also be a good idea to track Sign Ups or Subscribes .

Note: In order to track conversion metrics, you’ll need to have the Snap Pixel installed on your website. The Snap Pixel is a piece of code that allows Snapchat to track Snapchatters’ actions on your website.

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